A good meal

The idea behind Fiffis restaurants is that an entire family should be able to eat lunch or dinner together without it costing a fortune. We want it to be easy to eat at Fiffis, therefore we have a broad menu where there is something for everyone. Moreover, we believe in being available when you need it, therefore you can have breakfast, snacks, lunch, or dinner with us throughout the day.

We also want a good meal to be good for both the environment and the world. Therefore, we work to minimize our food waste while every meal served at Fiffis is matched with a meal given to school children in Uganda. Fiffis participates in the CSR project A Meal for A Meal, in collaboration with SOS Malta, providing meals for school children in Uganda.


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One of the schools in the CSR program A Meal for A Meal is St Charles Lwanga in Uganda. The principal, Felix Lawanga, highlights how important the meal program has been for the students at the school. Since the program ensures that school children get both breakfast and lunch, the children do not have to go hungry, and it also motivates more parents to send their children to school. 

Read more about A Meal for A Meal